29 Elul 5780 - September 18, 2020
I AM JEWISH: ZACHARAI WOCHNER I would like to start off by saying that I think it’s always good to find out where you came from, your roots. To learn about Jewish history when it is your identity is crucial. There are Jewish values that have come from our history that are very important to me. One of the values that is important to me is music. Obviously, music is a big part of my life, so to have my religion have such a rich musical culture has been so beneficial for me. The music that I have sung over the years at temple has helped shape me as a Jewish person. To move from Shir Atid, to helping the children's choir, to playing with cantor and being his musical assistant, to working with the adult ensemble (when I can get myself to) has opened my mind to so many different realms in the Jewish community. Everyone seems to have a different style and outlook on the same ideas in Jewish music. Another strong Jewish value to me is caring for someone who is lonely. A big part of Judaism...